…recently laid to rest
OK, it begins at three o’clock in the morning and I’m standing in the rain with the thunder and lightning very Lear-like and the wind in the Desert Oaks going whoo whoo like some crappy sound effect.
The Call
‘It’s your mother,’ says Zoe, handing me the phone.
I don’t mind taking the call even though there’s something good on telly that I want to watch. I reckon I can still watch it without the sound, so that’s OK.
Good morning ladies and gentlemen and welcome aboard this Deluxe Express service. Before we commence our journey, weaving a halting dance of departure through clogged city streets to mournful suburban stops, I must remind you that the purpose of our journey is not simply to get from one place to another.
Chain Reactions
…the boy moves through the cafe I’m sitting in the window sliding between tables watching a big sheet of bubble wrap the waitress is preparing being blown down the middle and scoops up the purse of the street
The Inspection
The estate agent is waiting for us at the house. She is excited. It’s a real cutie, she says, a deceased estate so sure to sell cheaply. This is a nice suburb.
Driving Off
Me and Kurt like to drive. Not that we’ve got anywhere to go. We just like to drive. It’s something to do.
The Tickets
Each ticket is an entry to the past.
Admission is free.
The Unknown Boys
A found photograph. A lost group of boys.
The Elephants
I don't collect elephants.
They just seem to gather around me.
Family ties
Family stories, lost and found.
More remains...
The leftovers from elsewhere
Dead Real
The start of a long journey
Dead Things
Documenting death and decay in the neighbourhood
Dead Paper
Everything which would ordinarily go into the waste paper basket after use