…recently laid to rest

At home with the Fricks
It’s a problem faced by many home decorators: how to fill those awkward wall spaces on either side of the fireplace.

Hey, this place looks familiar…
I’m not the first traveller to spot the similarities between Lisbon and San Francisco but, by coincidence, I visited both places in the space of a month so, for myself, the sense of a double-take was even more pronounced.

Hometown NYC
Why New York? Why Manhattan? What is it that makes this place the metropolis?

Shit happens
There are days when life seems to be full of so much shit.

Jakarta – MONAS part 2
Underneath the MONAS tower there is a huge hall called the National History Museum. It’s very much of its time, all shining marble and bright lights.

Jakarta – MONAS part 1
Earlier this year I visited MONA in Hobart, and more recently MONAS (Monumen Nasional) in Jakarta – very different, culturally, but similar in the way they both tell a story about our times through the medium of art.
The Tickets
Each ticket is an entry to the past.
Admission is free.
The Unknown Boys
A found photograph. A lost group of boys.
The Elephants
I don't collect elephants.
They just seem to gather around me.
Family ties
Family stories, lost and found.
More remains...
The leftovers from elsewhere
Dead Real
The start of a long journey
Dead Things
Documenting death and decay in the neighbourhood
Dead Paper
Everything which would ordinarily go into the waste paper basket after use