MONA, Tasmania

MONA – a place for grown-ups

On the first day I visited the Museum of Old and New Art (MONA) in Tasmania, the fire alarm went off. Visitors were forced to congregate outside in the drizzle while the building was evacuated.

Statue at MONAS Jakarta

Jakarta – MONAS part 1

Earlier this year I visited MONA in Hobart, and more recently MONAS (Monumen Nasional) in Jakarta – very different, culturally, but similar in the way they both tell a story about our times through the medium of art.

MONAS diorama

Jakarta – MONAS part 2

Underneath the MONAS tower there is a huge hall called the National History Museum. It’s very much of its time, all shining marble and bright lights.

Manhattan at dawn

Hometown NYC

Why New York? Why Manhattan? What is it that makes this place the metropolis?

Sittin' on the dock

Hey, this place looks familiar…

I’m not the first traveller to spot the similarities between Lisbon and San Francisco but, by coincidence, I visited both places in the space of a month so, for myself, the sense of a double-take was even more pronounced.